The Edit

The Edit



For as long as I can remember I have always been inspired by experimenting with different styles.

I would try many different outfits on in a day, much to my mothers frustration when clothes were left all over my bedroom ( and now to my husbands. ) 

The clothes on my body for me; mirror what mood I’m in. And if I don’t feel comfortable, I change. 
But I also like making different fashion choices and I’ll always be drawn to vibrant prints and clashing fabrics. 

I believe my body shape has always forced me to try different things too. I’m not naturally thin legged so I never felt comfortable wearing a short skirt or jeans never fitted right and don’t get me started on trying to wear boots… I’ve had to look at what suits my body shape and have been always been focussed with working out the right fit for my style.  

So a big part of The Edit is about helping my clients feel comfortable but also excited to experiment with their own wardrobe. It’s looking beyond the rail and saying ‘I don’t have anything to wear’ It’s questioning what works for you now? What suits your body shape now? And what do you love but you want to update or customise? It’s not always about buying new because you need a lift. Let’s lift you in a different way. 

The Edit is about bringing out your creativity. I always feel frustrated that as a society our influence is predominately focussed on the large brands and the influence of big fashion houses, who replicate the same item using cheaper fabrics, and who knows who is sat behind the machine and how old they are!

I always say to myself…. just because a designer at Topshop has made it this way… it doesn’t mean it has to stay that way. Can we take this garment on a new journey and save money and protect the environment at the same time . 

There’s many elements to the drive to do this. Sustainability is definitely one but also affordability. The rise of cost of living is going up and up and everyone’s surplus funds are generally less. So I’m also keen to help you make some more affordable options… this will be clearer later so stay tuned to the launch of - Your Items: The Edit.

I thought my blog will help to document my story for The Edit and give you some useful tips along the way. 
I had my first consultation today so look out for the updates on instagram on the process and how I’m now going to help customise some current wardrobe pieces. 

Thanks for taking the time to read and share with a friend who may like. 


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